In moments of crisis, as we collectively hold our breath, it is a select few who possess the mastery to navigate the tumult of their inner discourse.

As we diverge from routine, we embark upon uncharted territories, where the ego tirelessly endeavors to distort perception.

By persistently placing trust in the sacredness of this inner dialogue, they ensure that their choices shall accumulate with precision and sound judgment.


Director: Remy Cats
D.O.P: Daan Huttinga
1AC: Krijn Wintjes
2AC: Koen Olijerhoek
Gaffer: Thijs Besteman
Best Boy: Ole Kroes

Composer & Copywriter: Willem van Rij
Colorist: Davey Anthony Rietmeijer

Edit: Remy Cats, Daan Huttinga